Invoice Submission Form

Today's Date: 09/19/2024

First time? Please read the notes below.

  • Invoices must match the W9 on file or they will not be paid.
  • All fields are required unless otherwise marked.
  • A copy of the invoice will be emailed to you upon submission.
  • Company Policy includes a 4 hour minimum for all bookings.
  • To create an account and save your personal information, select the checkbox under "Create Account?" at the bottom of the form and enter a password.

Personal Details

(If you aren't sure, you probably aren't)

If exempt from Worker's Compensation, enter your policy number

Job Details

Overtime Policy

  • This form automatically calculates overtime.
  • OT is only acquired if you work more than 10 hours in one day on one show.
  • You do not receive OT for working past 12am, on weekends, or on holidays.
  • The above is subject to change if you received pre-approval from the National Labor Coordinator.

If you are submitting multiple invoices, please make sure your times do not cross over.

Days / Hours Worked

Date Time in Lunch Out Lunch In Time Out Daily Hours Rate (hourly) Daily Earnings

New Hires

Please submit new hire documents to and submit your invoice below.

Has Your Address Changed?

If you have changed your address, you must submit a Change of Address form to Otherwise, your check will not show up to your new address.

Please review the details above before clicking the submit button below.
Once you click submit, it will be sent. DO NOT update/change the invoice or refresh and re-submit it again.
If you have corrections, please contact us directly at